Installation & Configuration


DjangoPyPi2 is a self-contained Django project along with its apps. If you want fine-grained control, you can looks at the sources of the apps found in the djangopypi2.apps package.

The most simple way to install djangopypi2 is by:

# Make sure we run with Bash, create a virtualenv and install packages
$ bash
$ virtualenv pypi-site
$ source pypi-site/bin/activate
$ pip install gunicorn djangopypi2

# Configure our installation
$ manage-pypi-site syncdb
$ manage-pypi-site collectstatic
$ manage-pypi-site loaddata initial

That’s it, we’re now ready to run our server

Where data is kept

By default djangopypi2 installs and runs from ~/.djangopypi2, meaning the .djangopypi2 directory inside the homedir of the user running the web server.

This can be overridden by setting the DJANGOPYPI2_ROOT environment variable.

For example, to install with a specific PROJECT_ROOT /etc/djangopypi2:

# Configure our installation
$ DJANGOPYPI2_ROOT=/etc/djangopypi2 manage-pypi-site syncdb
$ DJANGOPYPI2_ROOT=/etc/djangopypi2 manage-pypi-site collectstatic
$ DJANGOPYPI2_ROOT=/etc/djangopypi2 manage-pypi-site loaddata initial



It’s easiest to see our server running by executing:

$ gunicorn_django

Then surfing to http://localhost:8000/ .

For a permanent setup, simply create a supervisor <> configuration (you can omit the environment setting if you didn’t specify a different project root):

user = www-data
directory = /path/to/virtualenv
command = /path/to/virtualenv/bin/gunicorn_django
environment = DJANGOPYPI2_ROOT='/path/to/djangopypi2'

Apache + mod_wsgi

If you used DJANGOPYPI2_ROOT=/etc/djangopypi2

WSGIPythonPath /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/djangopypi2/
WSGIPassAuthorization On
<VirtualHost *:80>

  ServerAlias *

  WSGIScriptAlias / /etc/djangopypi2/

  CustomLog logs/pip-access_log combined
  ErrorLog  logs/pip-error_log


Note : Adjust site-packages path with your python version (2.6 on centos6, 2.7 on Ubuntu as of Apr 2013)

As for /etc/djangopypi2/

import os

os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "website.settings")
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGOPYPI2_ROOT", "/etc/djangopypi2")

from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
application = get_wsgi_application()


When first running djangopypi2, a file called settings.json will be created in the PROJECT_ROOT directory:

    "DEBUG": true,
    "ADMINS": [],
    "LANGUAGE_CODE": "en-us",
    "TIME_ZONE": "America/Chicago",
    "WEB_ROOT": "/",
    "USE_HTTPS": false,

    "EMAIL_SERVER": "smtp://localhost:1025/",
    "EMAIL_USE_TLS": false,

    "DB_ENGINE": "django.db.backends.sqlite3",
    "DB_NAME": "db.sqlite3",
    "DB_HOST": "",
    "DB_PORT": "",
    "DB_USER": "",
    "DB_PASSWORD": ""

The DEBUG, ADMINS, LANGUAGE_CODE and TIME_ZONE are exactly the same as in any Django file.

The WEB_ROOT setting allows for reverse proxy support. By specifying any other root than / you can move the entire site to be served on a different web root.

The ALLOW_VERSION_OVERWRITE setting allows you to selectively allow clients to overwrite package distributions based on the version number. This is a regular expression, with the default empty string meaning ‘deny all’. A common use-case example of this is to allow development versions to be overwritten, but not released versions:


This will match, 1.0.0.dev3, but not 1.0.0. Note the escaping of the backslash character - this is required to conform to the json format.

The USE_HTTPS setting should be set to true if djangopypi2 is served over HTTPS.

The EMAIL_SERVER should contain the SMTP server address in this format:


If no authentication is needed, then smtp://host:port/ is sufficient. To see the email messages sent with the default value of this setting, run python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:1025 in a terminal.

The EMAIL_USE_TLS should be set to true if TLS should be used to connect to the SMTP server.

The EMAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER setting allows you to set the default sender email for the SMTP server.

The settings with name starting with DB_ are the database settings. If you are using sqlite3, then only these settings matter:

"DB_ENGINE": "django.db.backends.sqlite3",
"DB_NAME": "db.sqlite3",

DB_FOLDER and DB_NAME are the directory and filename where the sqlite3 file resides respectively. For DB_FOLDER, you may use the special value PROJECT_ROOT to use the value of the DJANGOPYPI2_ROOT environment variable as the directory containing the sqlite3 file.

If you are not using sqlite3, then all settings except DB_FOLDER matters. As an example, to setup djangopypi2 with postgreSQL:

"DB_ENGINE": "django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2",
"DB_NAME": "djangopypi2",
"DB_HOST": "localhost",
"DB_PORT": "5432",
"DB_USER": "postgres",
"DB_PASSWORD": "password"

Make sure to actually create the database with name djangopypi2 beforehand. You also need to install psycopg2 package separately.

Package upload directory

Packages are uploaded to PROJECT_ROOT/media/dists/ by default.

You can change this setting by setting up a Django project with more specific settings, or have a look at the admin interface’s Global Configuration section to see if you configure your desired behavior in there.